Friday, October 7, 2016

Short questions on hip bones : helpful for study in short time

Short questions of hip bone

i)                   Anatomical point
Iliac crest lies upward
Acetabulum lies laterally
Anterior  superior  iliac spine and pubic tubercle lies in same coronal plane
Ischial spine and pubic crest lies in same horizontal plane
Pubis symphysis lies in median plane
ii)                Parts of hip bone :
iii)              Ossification of hip bone :
iv)              Ligaments of hip bone:
inguinal ligament : attachment
sacrospinous: attachment
 sacrotuberous ligament: attachment
ligament of the head of the femur: attachment   
v)                What are the structures passing under the inguinal ligament?
vi)              Foramen related to hip bone:
·        obturator foramen: ………….. nerve and vessels
·        obturator artery is the branch of ……………. artery
·        how greater  and lesser sciatic notches are  converted into foramen and what are the structures passage through them ?
·        which structures of lesser sciatic foramen enter into pudendal canal
·        pudendal canal : location and content
·        pudendal nerve: root value / branches / innervations

vii)           Joints of hip bone and their types
viii)         Formation of acatabulum
Parts of ilium:
 Identify following areas of ilium  and study their attachment
a.     Attachment of  the iliac crest,
b.     Attachment  iliac tubersity,
c.      Attachment of anterior  inferior and superior iliac spine,
d.     Attachment and content  of iliac fossa,
e.      Attachment of gluteal surface and
f.       Attachment of posterior superior iliac spine and posterior inferior iliac spine

Parts of ishchium.
·        Identify following areas and study their attachment –
a.     Attachment of  ishchial tuberosity, 
b.     attachment of Ischial spine,
c.      relation of Ischial spine  
d.    attachment of ishchio-pubis ramus:
medial   to lateral :
                                                                               i.            fascia lata and colles fascia
                                                                             ii.            ischiocavernosus and superficial transverse perinea muscle
                                                                          iii.            perineal membrane
                                                                          iv.            sphincter urethrae and deep transverse perinea
                                                                             v.            inferior fascia of urogenital diaphram
                                                                          vi.            obturator internus
what is urogenital diaphragm : it is formed by sphincter urethrae and deep transverse perinea muscles  
e.      what do you mean by hamstring group of muscle , mention their common character

                                 Parts of pubis
                   Identify following areas and study their attachment-
a.     Attachment of anterior surface of body of pubis:
Ans: adductor longus  
b.     Attachment of posterior surface of body of pubis :
Ans:  levator ani muscles /
Attachment of levator ani muscle :
Ans: origin :
i)       middle of the posterior surface of body of pubis,
ii)    obturator fascia and
iii)  ischial spine
Insertion : ……………..
Nerve supply:…………….
Action : ………………
How pelvis diaphragm is formed :
Ans: by levator ani muscle and coccygeus muscles
Relation of pos surface of body of pubis:
Ans:upper part is related to urinary bladder  
c.      Attachement sites of pectineus
d.     Attachment and relation of pubic tubercle :
Ans:  medial end of inguinal ligament
Relation : in male : it is crossed by spermatic fascia
In female it is cross by round ligament of uterus
e.      Attachment of pubic crest
f.       Superior ramus of pubis – attachment of pectineal line and pectineal surface
g.     Inferior ramus of pubis –attachment –
medial to lateral –
adductor brevis ,
adductor magnus,
obturator externus 
Differences between male and female hip bone

Male hip bone
Female hip bone
Ischial spine

Obturator foramen

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