Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Spinal nerve : handout for oral examination

Spinal nerve
How many Spinal nerves present in our body? Number: 31 pairs. 8 cervical spinal nerve, 12 thoracic spinal nerve, 5 lumbar spinal nerve, 5 sacral spinal nerve and 1 coccygeal spinal nerve
How a spinal nerve is formed? :  Spinal nerve form by union of ventral and dorsal nerve roots
Location of spinal nerve: within the intervertebral foramen
Exit : C1-C7 spinal nerves exit ABOVE C1-C7 vertebrae
                         C8 spinal nerve projects below C7 vertebra
                         T1-S5 spinal nerves project BELOW T1-S5 vertebrae
 Branches of a Spinal Nerve:
                        1. dorsal ramus – supply deep muscles and skin of back
                        2. ventral ramus – supply upper and lower extremities, ventrolateral trunk
                        3. meningeal branch - back into the spinal column
                        4. rami communicantes - for autonomic nerve fibers
Type of spinal nerves: they are mixed nerve (both sensory and motor ).
Component: GSA (general somatic afferent –carry impulse from periphery to CNS) and GSE( general somatic efferent- impulse goes from CNS to skeletal muscle)
Plexus of spinal nerve: plexus of spinal nerve is formed by ventral rami of different spinal nerves. There are four spinal nerve plexus  present within the body.
Name of plexus
Supplied area
Important nerve of the plexus
1. cervical plexus
ventral rami of C1-C4 with some C5
a. muscles/skin of head, neck, some shoulder
b. phrenic nerve - diaphragm muscle (breathing)
phrenic nerve -
2. brachial plexus
ventral rami of C5-C8 and T1
Upper limb and shoulder
Axillary N, musculocutanous
Radial N, median N, Ulnar N
3. lumbar plexus                       
- ventral rami of L1-L4
a. abdominal wall, genitals, part of lower limb      
Femoral N, Obturator N
4. sacral plexus
ventral rami of L4-L5 and S1-S4
a. buttocks, perineum, part of lower limb
b. sciatic nerve
Sacral n- largest nerve of body,
 pudendal n, Sup and inf
Gluteal n
 Dermatomes: area of skin is supplied by single spinal nerve


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