Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Temporal bone: easy handout covering only important topics

Temporal: It is an important bone because
·        Whole internal ear
·        Whole middle ear
·        Bony part of external auditory meatus lies within it .
SN: Only cartilaginous part of external auditory meatus and auricle lies outside the temporal bone 
1.   Anatomical  point :
·        Convex squamous part is directed laterally
·        Apex of petrous part is directed medially , forward, and upward
·        Zygomatic process is directed anteriorly
2.   Morphological type : pneumatic irregular bone
3.   Ossification : both intramembranous and intracartilaginous
·        Squmous part and tympanic part is ossify from membrane
·        Rest of the temporal bone is ossify from cartilage
4.   Development :
     Petrous part of temporal bone is derived from paraxial mesoderm
    Rest of the part of temporal bone is derived from neural crest
5.   Parts: It has
Three parts:
                     i.        Squamous part
                    ii.        Petro-mastoid part
                   iii.        Tympanic part
Three processes:
It has three processes :
                     i.        Zygomatic process
                    ii.        Mastoid process
                   iii.        Styloid process

Squamous part : it has two surfaces
External surface: 
i)             whole external  surface is attached by origin of temporalis muscle except mandibular fossa and zygomatic process
ii)            external surface bears groove for middle temporal artery
iii)        Suprameatal triangle : this triangle situated just above and posterior part of  the external auditory meatus
iv)        Importance of suprameatal triangle : mastoid antrum lies 1.25 cm deep to it
Internal surface:
Impressions of temporal lobe of cerebrum
Groove for middle meningeal artery
Squamous part has two borders
·        Superior border articulate with inferior border of parietal bone
·        Antero-inferior border : articulate with greater wing of sphenoid bone

Petrous part:    It has
Apex: is directed medially, forward and upwards
Base: attached with squamous and mastoid part
Petrous part : 3 borders:
1.   Anterior border: articulate with greater wing of sphenoid   
2.   Superior border:  lodges superior petrosal sinus and attachment of tentorium cerebella except medial part
3.   Posterior border:
Medial part of posterior border is lodge by inferior petrosal sinus  and
Lateral part of posterior border forms jugular foramen by articulating with condylar part of occipital bone
3 surfaces of petrous part : anterior, posterior and inferior
Anterior surface of petrous part :
1.   This surface  is irregular for sulci and gyri of temporal lobe of cerebrum
2.   Trigeminal impression ( a depressed area near the apex ): lodge trigeminal ganglion
3.   Arcuate eminence: an elevated area behind the trigeminal impression, it is caused by superior semicircular canal of internal ear
4.   Tegmen tympani:  a thin plate of bone situated in between arcuate eminence and squamous part of temporal bone.
From antero- posteriorly , tegment tympani forms
1.   Roof of tensor tympani
2.   Roof of middle ear cavity
3.   Roof of mastoid antrum
Posterior surface of petrous part of temporal bone:
Bear orifice of internal auditory meatus :  Structure passing through the foramen
Structures entrance into internal auditory meatus :
·        Motor root of facial nerve
·        Labyrinthine artery
Structures exit from the internal auditory meatus:
·        sensory root of facial nerve
·        vestibulocochlear nerve
·        labyrinthine vein
Inferior surface of petrous part of temporal bone:
From antero posteriorly
1.   Near apex: attachment of levator veli palatine muscle and cartilaginous part of auditory tube
2.   External or lower opening of carotid canal
3.   Jugular fossa

Mastoid part
It forms the posterior part of temporal bone
It has
Two surfaces: external and internal
Two borders: superior and posterior
1 process: mastoid process
                                               External surface of mastoid part
It is attached with following muscles : muscles are arrange from above , downwards and forwards
                     i.        Auricularis posterior
                    ii.        Origin of occipital belly of occipito frontalis muscle
                   iii.        Insertion of sternocleidomastoid
                  iv.        Insertion of splenius capitis
                   v.        Insertion of longissimus capitis
internal surface of mastoid part
Sigmoid sulcus : a deep groove which lodge sigmoid sinus
Two borders of mastoid part  :
·        superior border articulate with inferior border of parietal bone
·        posterior border articulate with inferior border of squamous part of occipital bone

Tympanic part
·        A thin plate of bone lies between the squamous and mastoid parts
·        Anterior surface form non articular part of mandibular fossa
·        Posterior surface forms greater part of external auditory meatus

Processes of temporal bone

                                                                                                          i.        Zygomatic process :
·        medial surface and lower border of zygomatic process give origin of masseter muscle
·        Superior border of zygomatic process attached with temporal fascia
·        Anterior end of zygomatic process articulate with temporal process of zygomatic bone
                                                                                                             ii.        Mastoid process :
External surface of mastoid process is attached with
a)   Insertion of sternocleidomastoid
b)   Insertion of splenius capitis
c)   Insertion of longissimus capitis
Mastoid notch : a deep notch at the medial surface of mastoid process gives origin of posterior belly of digastric muscle
Mastoid foramen near the posterior border of mastoid part of temporal bone : it transmit an emissary vein which connect sigmoid sinus with posterior auricular vein
                                                                                                              iii.        Styloid process
Muscles :
·        origin of styloglossus,  stylohyoid and stylopharyngeus
Ligaments :
·         stylohyoid and stylomandibular ligament
Stylomastoid foramen :
·        It is situated in between mastoid process and styloid process
It transmitted
·        Facial nerve exit
·        Entrance stylomastoid branch of posterior auricular artery 


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