Wednesday, March 27, 2019

New curriculum MBBS, bangladesh : card superior extremity : item viva questions : humerus

Humerus :
1.      Anatomical points and position
a)      Upper end bears head which is directed upward, backward and medially
b)      Bicipital groove lies anteriorly
c)      Prominent medial epicondyle  lies medially
2.      What are the parts of upper end and lower end?
3.      Show following parts of shaft : surfaces, borders, bicipital groove, deltoid tuberosity  and radial groove
4.      Show anatomical and surgical neck. Tell the importance of surgical neck  
5.      Contents of bicipital groove
6.      Show attachment of capsular ligament of shoulder joint and elbow joint
7.      Mention the relation of surgical neck , behind the medial epicondyle, bicipital and radial groove
8.       Draw the attachment of following muscles on bone
Deltoid, brachialis, triceps brachii,
9.      Show the muscular attachment of greater and lesser tubercle, bicipital groove, medial and lateral epicondyle
10.  What is rotator cuff? Mention the nerve supply of rotator cuff muscles. tell the importance of the rotator cuff   
11.  What is epiphysis? head , lesser and greater tubercle : What type of epiphysis :
12.  How many epiphysis present in upper and lower end ?
13.  What do you mean by primary and secondary ossification centre ? shaft of humerus derived from which ossification centre
14.  Discuss parts of growing long bone
15.  Discuss blood supply of growing long bone
16.  Development of humerus : ectoderm / mesoderm /endoderm: ans mesoderm  
Extra questions and answer

1.      What is Carrying angle of elbow? Why is it more in females? 2.What is significance of carrying angle?è
Ana : To enable swinging limbs to stay clear of wider female pelvis during walking.èDuring carrying something, like a pail.
2.      When carrying angle disappears?èWhen forearm is pronated.èWhen it is flexed at elbow joint.
3.      What is clinical significance of latissimus dorsi ?èIt is used in reconstructive breast surgery. A part of the muscle with an overlying paddle of skinas a Musculocutaneous flapis rotated around to front of body and used to create a mound during breast simulation. This skin flap is supplied by thoracodorsal artery.èIt is also used in cardiomyoplast, in which the left lat. Dorsi is wrapped around the left ventricle as a biological assist device.
4.      Name muscle attachments on greater tubercle ofhumerus.6.Name muscles used to carry out protraction.
5.      Name muscles during depression of scapula.
6.      Explain scapulohumeral mechanism and overhead abduction
7.      .What are muscle attachments on lateral 1/3 of clavicular shaft?
8.      What are muscle attachments on medial 2/3 of clavicular shaft?11.Name myotomes of upper limb:-They include:a.C4shoulder elevation

1.      C5shoulder abductionc.C6elbow flexion, wrist extensiond.C7elbow extension, wrist flexione.C8thumb extensionf.T1finger abduction
2.      How Lat. Dorsi acts as a climbing muscle?èIt extends the shoulder joint and mediallyrotates the humerus (e.g. folding the arms behind theback, or scratching the opposite scapula), but in combination with pectoralis major it is a powerful adductor.Especially used in restoring the upper limb from abduction above the shoulder, it is essentially the climbingmuscle.
3.      .Name climbing muscles of upper limbèLat dorsièPect majo

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