Sunday, March 24, 2019

Thorax card : important SAQs for 1st professional MBBS examination of Bangladesh

Thorax     SAQ
Thoracic wall:
1. Give the venous drainage of thoracic wall. Give the branches of internal thoracic artery.
2. Draw & label a typical intercostal space.
3. What is external intercostal membrane.
4. Draw & label a typical intercostal nerve. How it differs from a spinal nerve.
5. Give the steps of dissection of a typical intercostal space. List the number of typical         
    intercostal space & why they are called typical? (2+1+1)-osmani 1st term
6. Draw & label the formation & branches of a typical intercostal nerve. List the muscles of forced
   inspiration & expiration.(3+1) 
7. Discuss typical intercostals nerve. Give its functional component. -5+2
8. Give the boundary of thoracic inlet. What is supra-pleural membrane, (2+2)

Heart & pericardium:
1. What is pericardium. Mention its different layer’s & their development.-3
2. Write a short description of interior of right atrium July-06 What is probe patency test? 3+1
 3. What are the different parts of the interventricular septum. Give its source of development.
 4. Draw & label arterial supply of heart.-2(J-07, July-06) Give the origin, course & branches of left coronary artery. 4.
5. What do you mean by end artery?-1 what do you mean by functional end artery? Give examples and clinical importance.
6. S/N: a) Pericardial sinus Base of the heart-2 Fallot’s tetralogy-1.5
7. Give the anatomy of the base of the heart. 3
    or Give the formation of the base of the heart. Mention its important relations.
8. Mention development of interatrial septum.-3
9. Draw & label junction tissues of the heart.-2 What are the Junctional tissues of the heart?  Mention their location. 1+2
10. Define conducting system of the heart. Name its components & arterial supply.1+4
11. Write down pericardial sinuses with their clinical importance. 4
12. What is dextrocardia? Give embryology basis of its formation. (1+2)
13. Write about structure of Trabeculae carnea, septomarginal crest and infundibulum. All Trabeculae carnea & papillary muscle.-5
 14. Draw and label venous supply of the heart
 15. Mention the development of right atrium. -2
16. Enumerate the different septal defects of heart.-2
17. Draw & label different parts of primitive heart tube. -2

Lung & pleura:
1. Define bronchopulmonary segment. 1
    Draw & label bronchopulmonary segment of R/L+lung.
2. Write the histological features of lung. -3
3. Give the nerve supply of lung with their effects. -1
4. Define pleura. Mention its different parts. Give their source of development. -3 or write
    about pleura.
5. Give the layers of respiratory membrane. -3) Name the cells you will find in the  
    alveoli & give their function.
6. S/N-  a) pleural recess.
           b) Root of the lung.
7. Give relation of apex of right lung. -3
8. What do you mean by respiratory portion of lungs. Give its components. -3
9. What is hyaline membrane disease? -1
10. Give the visceral relations on the mediastinal surface of left lung. -3
11. What is pleural recess? Give its formation & clinical importance-3
12. Name the different phase of development of the lung-3
13. Draw & label the different segments of the bronchial tree. Give the lining epithelium of their
      different segments. -2+2
14. Which bronchus is more susceptible to lodgments of inhaled foreign bodies? Explain why?
15. What is pleura? Write different parts of parietal pleura & mention their development & nerve
1. Define mediastinum. Give the boundary & contents of posterior mediastinum/superior   

1. Pump handle & bucket handle movement.
2. Superior vena cava.

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