Monday, March 25, 2024

Development of ovary

 Development of ovary 

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1.        intermediate mesoderm form urogenital ridge, a longitudinal elevation at the dorsal body wall of fetus

2.       The coelomic epithelium and underlying mesoderm of the urogenital ridge proliferate to form the gonada ridge

3.       The coelomic epithelium forms irregular primary sex cords and incorporate primordial germ cells which migrate from the wall of yolk sac

4.       The primary sex cord extends deep to medulla and dissociate into irregular cell clusters which eventually degenerate and replace by vascular stroma, the ovarian medulla.

5.       The surface epithelium of female gonad unlike that of the male continues to proliferate

6.       In the 7th week of development it produces second generation of cords, cortical cords, which penetrate underlying mesenchyme but remain close to the surface do not extend into medulla.

7.       In the 3rd months, the cortical cords get fragmented and form isolated cell cluster.

8.      Each cell cluster consists of a primordial germ cell in the center surrounded by a layer of celomic epithelial cells

9.       The primordial germ cells form oogonia and coelomic epithelial cells form follicular cells. The resulting structure is called primordial follicles which remain confined in the cortex of the ovary

10.   A large number of primordial follicles are formed during fetal life

11.     No new primordial follicles are formed after birth

12.    The further development of  primordial follicles takes place after puberty

13.    Tunica albuginea formed around the testis but in case ovary tunica albuginea is not formed . the surface epithelium of ovary flattens to form a single layer of cells , called germinal epithelium which is continuous with peritoneum

14.    The connective tissue of ovary derived from mesoderm

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