Monday, March 25, 2024

Development of testis

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 Development of testis

1.          Intermediate mesoderm forms the urogenital ridge, a longitudinal elevation at the dorsal body wall of the fetus.
The coelomic epithelium and underlying mesoderm of the urogenital ridge protifelate to form the gonadal ridge.
The coelomic epithelium forms irregular primary sex cords and incorporative primordial germ cells, which migrate from the wall of the yolk sac.
The primary sex
The development of the testis ord extends deep into the medulla to form medullary cords, which lose their connection to the surface epithelium as the thick tunica albuginea forms in between the medullary cord and coelomic epithelium.

2.       Near the hilum medullary cord break up into network of tiny cell stands that form rete testis

3.       By the 4th month of interuterine life medullary cord is continuous with rete testis

4.       The testis or medullary cord contain and primitive germ cells and sustentacular cell of  sertoli cell which derived from the surface epithelium of genital ridge.

5.       Sertoli cell secrete mullarian inhibiting factor (MIF) which degenerate mullarian duct

6.       Interstitial cell of leydig derive from mesenchyme of genital ridge which derived from intermediate mesoderm ,By the 8th week of gestation leydig cell begin to produce testosterone which influence development of genital duct and external genitalia

7.       The testis or medullary cord of testis remain solid cord until puberty , then it become canalize and known seminiferous tubule, the canal of seminiferous tubules are continuous with rete testis which inturn join with efferent ductile. The efferent ductules and other excretory part of male genital system derived from mesonephric or wolffian duct

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