Anatomy books

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Summary of ventral mesogastrium and its derivatives

Ventral mesogastrium
The gastrointestinal tract is developed from an endodermal tube which is known as the primitive gut which is held on to the body wall by the dorsal and ventral mesentery.
The primitive midline mesentery extending between future stomach and proximal duodenum and the anterior abdominal wall superior to the umbilicus (umbilical vein). The liver develops within it; consequently, the lesser omentum, coronary and falciform ligaments are derivatives of it. The umbilical vein runs in its caudal free edge, becoming the postnatal round ligament of the liver.

Derivatives of Ventral mesogastrium
1.      Lesser omentum
2.      Falciform ligament
3.      Coronary ligament
4.      Right and left triangular ligament

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