Anatomy books

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Internal thoracic artery with clinical anatomy and radiology


Internal thoracic artery

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Origin : from subclavian artery

Another name : internal mammary artery

Supply areas: thoracic wall and breast  

Branches :

Two terminal branches: superior epigastric and musculophrenic artery

Anterior intercostal arteries : two for each intercostal space. Upper six pairs arises from internal thoracic artery and 7-9th pairs arises from musculophrenic nerves  

SN: in each intercostal space two intercostal arteries anastomoses with  collateral branches of one posterior intercostal artery .

Clinical anatomy: during pericardiocentesis, to avoid puncturing the internal thoracic vessels, insert the needle just at the lateral margin of the sternum and no more than 1 cm laterally.

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