Anatomy books

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Gray and white matter : composition , location and difference

Grey (British)  gray (American) matter and white matter are  found within the  central nervous system.
Composition of gray matter :
1.      Neuron cell body,
2.      Initial portion of dendrites and axon
3.      Neuroglia
4.      Blood vessels
Composition of white matter:
1.      White matter contain
2.      numerous dendrites and myelinated axons, 
3.      neuroglia, and
4.      blood vessels.
Gray matter:  actually has a very light gray colour with yellowish or pinkish hues, which come
from blood vessels and neuronal cell bodies.
White matter:  the colour of white matter arises mainly from the whiteness of myelin.
location of gray matter ::
In cerebrum and cerebrum gray matter situated in outer layer of these organs.
In spinal cord it is situated in inner layer of this organ .

A small collection of gray matter known as nuclei present within the white matter. Example :  basal nuclei/ nuclei: caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus , substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus , nucleus accumbens and  brain stem nuclei (red nuclei, cranial nerve nuclei) are spread within the cerebral white matter.

Cerebellar nuclei dentate nuclei, fastigi, emboliform etc are the small collection of gray matter present within the white matter of cerebellum .
Ganglia are small collection of gray matter (neuron cell body ) situated outside the central nervous system .
Location of white matter:
White matter forms the bulk of the deep parts of the cerebrum and cerebellum and the superficial parts of the spinal cord  
Difference between gray matter and white matter
Gray matter
White matter
Nerve cell body ,
Processes ,
Blood vessels
Processes ,
Blood vessels
Light grey
Occupy 40% of brain
Occupy 60% of brain
Girl  11 years
Boy 12 years 
Girl 25 years
Boy 20 years
Sex difference
Male 6.5 more gray matter
Female   contain 10 times more  white matter
Proportion of
Men have higher proportion of white matter
women have higher proportion of grey  matter
It is the information processing region  of brain
It makes connection between different information processing region of brain
Oxygen use
It uses almost 95% of oxygen
It uses remaining  5%
Loss of volume
It volume losses constantly throughout the life
its volume losses start after mid age
Other name of
Gray matter also known as substantia grisea
White matter also known as substantia alba

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