Anatomy books

Friday, October 11, 2019

Brain and eyeball SAQs : 1st professional MBBS examination

SAQ (Brain & Eye ball)
Draw and label ”Circles of Willis” and show its branches. What do you mean by “Artery of cerebral hemorrhage”
Give the arterial supply of cerebral hemisphere. What do you mean by i) central branches ii) cortical branches. Give their anatomical difference.
What do you mean by i) Functional end arteries ii) Artery of cerebral hemorrhage iii) macular sparing.
Mention the functional areas of the cerebral cortex and give their Broadman’s 
    1. number. What is Broca’s area.
Short notes on i) Dominent and nondominenent cerebral hemisphere ii) 
Wernickes speech area
Give the function of following area- Primary motor area, Primary sensory area, broca’s area and Frontal Eye field
Trace the path way of circulation of CSF from its site of formation up to
       its  drainage into the venous blood. What is Hydrocephalus

 Give the boundary and content of the orbit.
What do you know about i) Hypothalamo-hypophsial tract. Ii)hypothalamo-
 hypophysial portal system
                 Eye Ball
Name the different layers of Retina. Give its blood supply.                     
                  Trace the visual pathway. What is Argyll-Robertsons pupil? Homonymous
            Name the refractive media of the eyeball. How optic nerve is formed.
            Name the intraocular muscle with their nerve supply.
            Trace the pathway of corneal reflex.
           What is accommodation. What are the changes of accommodation? Trace the
            pathway of accommodation
                SPINAL CORD
Draw and label transverse section of spinal cord at the mid-thoracic level.Give the blood supply of spinal cord.
How a spinal nerve is formed and what are the functional component of a spinal nerve.
                  Name the ascending & descending tracts of spinal cord.
                  Name the pyramidal and extrapyramidal tract.
                  Draw and label transverse section of a spinal cord showing different
                  ascending  and descending tract.
                 Trace out the pathway of Corticospinal tract.
                 Trace out the pathway of anterior spino-thalamic tract

Give the anatomical parts, Function, blood supply of cerebellum. What is medullary syndrome
Give the histological structure, deep nuclei and effects of cerebellar lesion.
List the tract passing through the superior, middle and inferior cerebellar peduncle

                  Name the different parts of internal capsule. Mention the tracts passing
                   through it. Give its blood supply.                                                                            
                 Write the components of Limbic system. Mention its function.
                 What do you mean by upper motor and lower motor neuron. Give the features 
                   of upper and lower motor neuron lesion.                                                                           
Enumerate the different nuclei of basal ganglia. Give their different connection with other parts of the brain.

Draw and label of a section of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus.
Draw and label of a section of midbrain at the level of inferior colliculus
Draw and label the transverse section of Pons at the level of facial colliculus.
Define and classify neuroglia. Give their location and function.
Define and classify neuron with example.Give the difference between a) Axon & Dentrite b) Neucleus & Ganglia c) UMNL & LMNL d) Grey & White matter

Draw and label the nucleus of hypothalamus
Give the nucleus and function of hypothalamus. How hypothalamus connected with pituitary gland

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