Anatomy books

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Cell biology SAQs 1st prof MBBS examination new curriculum , Bangladesh

Cell biology
Cell, cell division and genetics:
  1. Draw and label fluid- mosaic model of cell membrane.
  2. write down the electron microscopic structures of the cell membrane and functions of cell membrane
  3. Give the structures and functions of mitochodria.
  4. name the non membranous organelles
  5. Define organelles. Classify organelles .Draw and label and mention one function of each.
  6. What do you mean by cytoskeleton of cell? Mention the function of it.
  7. give the difference between mitosis and meiosis
  8. What is membrane trafficking? 
  9. discuss the mitosis
  10. discuss the prophase of 1st meiotic division
  11. what are the purpose of meiosis
  12. write the meiotic division in female sex cell
  13. difference between 1st meiotic division in male and 1st meiotic division in female
  14. name the organelles concerned with the protein synthesis
  15. SN – non-disjunction –anaphase lag –Barr body – chromosome
  16. Define chromosome. Write about morphological abnormalities of chromosomes.
  17. Draw and label different parts of chromosome. Write about the numerical abnormalities of chromosome.
  18. Define cell cycle. Discuss the different phase of cell cycle. what do you mean by G0
  19. What do you mean by cytoskeleton of cell? Write structure and function of it.
  20. Enumerate the Mendel’s laws of inheritance.

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