Anatomy books

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Maxilla important viva questions and answers



1.      Anatomical points:

·        Frontal process of maxilla is directed upward and medially

·        Palatine process is directed medially

·        Alveolar process is directed inferiorly  

2.      Morphological type:  Pneumatic irregular bone

3.      Ossification : intra membranous ossification

4.      Development: neural crest

5.      Parts:

·       four processes :

·        Frontal process of maxilla : it is directed upward and articulate with nasal notch of frontal bone, situated in between nasal bone and lacrimal bone

·        Zygomatic process of maxilla: is directed laterally  and articulate with zygomatic bone

·        Palatine process of maxilla: lies horizontally and directed medially. it is articulated with opposite palatine process of maxilla and formed anterior 2/3 of hard palate

·          Alveolar process of maxilla : it is directed downward , by uniting opposite maxilla it is formed alveolar arch forms upper jaw

·        Body of maxilla:

·        Anterior surface

·        Posterior surface

·        Orbital surface

·        Nasal surface

·        Foramen : infra orbital foramen : transmit infra orbital nerve and vessels

·        Identify following bony impression : maxillary hiatus , ethmoidal  and conchal crest and nasolacrimal groove, maxillary tuberosity ,

·        Show the attachment   of buccinator muscle  

6.      How maxillary hiatus is reduced in size?

·        It is reduced by

·        From above : Uncinate process of ethmoid and Descending process of lacrimal bone

·        From below : maxillary process of inferior nasal concha

·        From behind: maxillary process of perpendicular plate of palatine bone

7.      Dentoalveolar joint: Gomphosis variety of fibrous joint

8.      Related questions :

9.      Maxillary sinus: lining epithelium, functions, in which nasal meatus it is open? 

10.   What is intermaxillary segment? Mention its derivatives


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