Anatomy books

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Types of Suture Joints & Their Examples


Types of Suture Joints & Their Examples

Sutures are fibrous type of joint  found between skull bones. They are classified based on the shape of articulating edges.

1. Serrate Suture (Strongest, Interlocking Edges)

  • Example:
    • Sagittal suture (between two parietal bones)

    • Coronal suture (between frontal and parietal bones)

2. Denticulate Suture (Tooth-Like Interlocking)

  • Example:
    • Lambdoid suture (between occipital and parietal bones)

3. Squamous Suture (Overlapping Edges)

  • Example:
    • Squamous suture (between temporal and parietal bones)

4. Plane Suture (Flat, Smooth Edges)

  • Example:
    • Internasal suture (between two nasal bones)
    • Intermaxillary suture (between two maxillae)
    • Interpalatine suture (between two palatine bones)

5. Schindylesis (Wedge and Groove)

  • Example:
    • Spheno-vomerine joint (between sphenoid and vomer bones) 

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